I was introduced to “channeling” for the first time when I read the “Conversations with God” series by Neal Donald Walsh in the late 1990s. Since then, I have studied many channeling materials such as Seth channeled by Jane Roberts, Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka, A Course in Miracle by Helen Schucman, and Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks, to name a few. All these non-physical entities seem to have access to higher intelligence. While all these spirits have brought great spiritual teachings and wisdom to humanity through their designated channels, Kevin Ryerson is the only trance channel that I have found who is capable of channeling multiple spirits that have infinite knowledge not only in spirituality, but science, technology, medicine and healing. All the knowledge that is written in this book is from a non-physical spirit named Atun-Re who lived in Ancient Egypt in 1300 B.C. Atun-Re was an adviser to the Pharaoh Akhenaten. His knowledge and wisdom is channeled through a world-renowned trance channel, Kevin Ryerson. 

This book is mainly for acupuncture practitioners. The purpose of this book is to introduce a new system of acupuncture that will bring powerful healing to the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels beyond what has been practiced since systematic acupuncture originated from China. This book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 is about the origin of acupuncture, the mechanism of chi, etc., Chapter 2 discusses each of the 12 meridians, Chapter 3 explains the basic treatment protocol, Chapter 4 discusses the Eight Extraordinary meridians, and Chapter 5 is about advanced EEA methods using Sacred Geometry. 

Readers will find that profound information about acupuncture and the human energy system beyond the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine is continuously revealed by Atun-Re throughout the book. Since most readers presumably have basic professional knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, the explanation of the basic terms and theories in TCM is not contained in the book. When Atune-Re reveals his own knowledge, he calls himself “I,” however  he sometimes uses the word “we” when he reveals any information by conferring with other non-physical spirits such as John, the Apostle, or my personal spirit guides. 

One of the main ideas in Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture is the unique re-emerging knowledge of the function of the Triple Warmer. The massive amount of knowledge in traditional acupuncture that has been built up throughout TCM history is mainly about symptom-differentiation and symptom-matching techniques. Practitioners are matching symptoms that are correlated to a single energy point or internal organ. For instance, if there is emotional stress, the practitioner will match the symptom with “liver chi stagnation” and select LV 3 because TCM teaches that LV 3 is the correct point for liver chi stagnation, which will not yield a good result in most cases. Another example is stimulating LI 4 for general headaches because it is written in materials that LI 4 is associated with any issues in the head region. Again, the result is “hit or miss.” Many scholars and experienced healers have developed more complicated methods based on the vast amount of information from various written materials. For instance, when treatment of the Lung meridian is unable to produce a good result in certain illness of the respiratory system, they apply a more advanced theory e.g., sedation or tonification of the Lung meridian itself or the mother/son meridians according to the Five Element principle. Even though these approaches can occasionally bring great results, they are still limited to symptom reduction at best. 

Basically, Traditional Chinese Medicine has lost track of the principle of the Triple Warmer. Maybe it never existed. When the Triple Warmer is stimulated properly in the manner that Atun-Re described, it brings the whole energy down to the causal root of the imbalance. It is like you are putting the whole body on alert, with all of its resources. And if you treat another meridian, it is like you are guiding all of the body's systemic resources to interact simultaneously toward the normal benefit of the points that you are stimulating. The underlying mechanism here is tissue regeneration. Healing takes place through red corpuscles despecializing and stem cells being released in the membrane surrounding the organs. The new cell memory of the new tissues shows an immunity to the original condition, the original cell deterioration. This, in turn, brings new energy in consciousness. This is why EEA brings great healing to human consciousness. This is a causal-based, not a symptom-based model.

The acupuncture points discussed in all the case studies were mostly used in the first 1-3 treatments only. EEA can be expanded to many variations incorporating other TCM healing models. I have experimented with various EEA applications and created advanced models that can be adapted to various conditions. This is still a work in progress. The Sacred Geometry discussed in Chapter 5 is the foundational work of the most advanced healing.

A substantial portion of my part of the conversations have been edited out to convey Atun-Re’s teaching to the readers more efficiently throughout the book. Also, Atun-Re’s use of non-contemporary English has only been minimally modified to preserve the integrity of the transmission. The conversations with Atun-Re on Sacred Geometry have been edited from their original transcript more than any of the other topics due to the complexity of ideas and technical difficulty in conveying the teachings in written form. Particularly, the Kalachakra mandala healing patterns are too difficult to understand by only reading the instructions. However, the acupuncture points revealed in the geometrical patterns can bring very effective healings on the whole body, mind, and spirit. Practical methodology of the Sacred Geometry and the Mandala patterns combined with all the other 12 meridians and the Eight Extraordinary channels would be best revealed through hands-on workshops for the most effective training. Nevertheless, the basic protocol is the model that most practitioners will benefit greatly from in their daily practice. For serious practitioners who desire to bring their healing to the deepest transformative level, I recommend learning the EEA advanced method in person. 

Some readers might wonder why I do not discuss TCM herbs whereas homeopathic medicines are mentioned many times in the book. My honest opinion is that well selected homeopathic remedies can heal a whole person in a deep profound way while carefully selected herbal medicines can only heal physical symptoms at best. When EEA is combined with advanced homeopathic skill, it can bring the most satisfying results. 

As you practice EEA, you will attract more people who want to awaken their spiritual potential. They might find you for various reasons but your own energy will magnetize them to your practice according to the Law of the Universe. Therefore, the practitioner should take this method as their own tool for healthy life and spiritual evolution as well as a tool for healing others.


