I became a licensed acupuncturist in 1999. Since then, I have learned various styles of acupuncture and healing techniques. I have learned traditional Chinese style, Korean constitutional acupuncture, Saam acupuncture, the Japanese keiraku method, Five Element acupuncture, Scalp acupuncture, I Ching BaGua acupuncture, Auricular therapy, Time-based acupuncture, Master Tong’s acupuncture, Neurological acupuncture, etc. Practicing many styles of acupuncture, I have seen a multitude of results, from zero effect to miraculous healing.

My clinical efficacy increased as I became more experienced and I was an instructor teaching my unique style to other licensed acupuncturists through private seminars. However, I was still unable to produce satisfying results consistently to meet my personal standards. Despite more than 21 years of practice, my acupuncture was still too limited to heal the whole person as a multidimensional being on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level.  

I started Homeopathy education in 2008 and after three years of intense training, I was able to produce more consistent and better clinical results by integrating Classical Homeopathy with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I was able to heal my patients on the psychological, emotional, and physical level within a short period of time. I continuously added more vibrational healing tools, such as flower essences and radionic technology to my acupuncture practice. 

While I was expanding my knowledge on flower essences, I came across a book titled, “Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing,” authored by Gurudas, an American homeopath. This book contained detailed esoteric and scientific studies of more than 200 flower essences. The knowledge I obtained from this book expanded my flower essence practice. Later, I bought another book written by the same author, “Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing.” This book was about vibrational essences from the mineral kingdom. Both of the Flower Essences and Gem Elixirs books were compilations of profound information channeled through a trance channel, Kevin Ryerson. 

Since I have incorporated gem elixirs with my acupuncture, homeopathy and flower essence therapy, I have been able to handle more challenging cases with better results. While I was gaining confidence in homeopathy, gem and flower essences and more of a reputation in my local community, my lifelong passion for acupuncture was gradually losing its vitality. My intuitive belief that acupuncture could be a powerful healing tool in raising the level of human consciousness was losing its validity. I started feeling subtle emptiness in my heart. It felt like something important was missing but I could not grasp what it might be. 

One evening in July, 2020, while I was taking a walk in my neighborhood community park, I was thinking about a few of my patients that I helped earlier that day. All of their conditions were greatly improved mainly with my homeopathic remedies and gem elixirs. I felt so much gratitude to Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy and Gurudas. I wondered how they could receive their inspiration. And then, I thought about my long postponed desire to have genuine, valid and practical knowledge about the chi (qi) and the meridians beyond what we had learned from Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was written more than 2300 years ago. That night, I emailed Kevin Ryerson and asked if he could help me bring the lost knowledge of the acupuncture system, as he did with Gurudas on the flower and gem essences. He replied quickly that it was possible to do long term research through channeled readings on the acupuncture system. Since our initial communication, Kevin and I have spent many hours of phone consultations, 3-4 times a month for over a year and a half, and the consultations continue as of this writing.

Kevin Ryerson is a professional trance channel with over forty years of experience in the field of parapsychology and spirituality. He is an acclaimed author, award winning consultant, expert intuitive, futurist and trance channel in the tradition of Edgar Cayce. He has appeared as a guest on national and international television shows, including Oprah Winfrey and Good Morning America. He is the author of the landmark book Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path. Shirley MacLaine's best-selling books Out on a Limb, Dancing in the Light and It's All in The Playing highlighted Kevin's intuitive abilities. His abilities are also featured in Opening the Inner Eye by William Kautz (Sc.D., M.I.T.), Return of the Revolutionaries by Walter Semkiw M.D., The Tenth Insight Holding the Vision: Experiential Guide by James Redfield, The Channeling Zone by Michael Brown, and Time-Life's Mysteries of the Unknown. Kevin enters a deep state of meditation called trance channeling, which allows his consciousness to be temporarily set aside, giving time for other evolved spirits to speak through him. 

During my first reading, I talked with Kevin about my personal desire to verify and clarify the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine written in the ‘Yellow Emperor Internal Medicine’ and to further access a clear understanding on the nature of the human energy system so that I could apply the new knowledge to my daily practice. Kevin went into a trance state for a minute and a gentle quiet voice asked me if I had questions. Later, I learned that the soft voiced Spirit was John, the Apostle. I briefly told John that I would like to know the real, genuine, authentic knowledge about acupuncture healing in no uncertain terms. Then, John passed my inquiries to another Spirit named Atun-Re. Atun-Re suggested that I study Dr. Robert Becker’s work. Also he mentioned Dr. Dean Ornish, a Cardiologist’s healing model. Atun-Re wanted me to study Drs. Robert Becker and Dean Ornish to prepare for the future research readings in terms of “tissue regeneration and stem cell effect” in the new paradigm acupuncture model that we named Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture (EEA). 

Atun-Re is an Egyptian spirit who lived in Lower Egypt around the middle 1300s B.C. and was a student of the teachings of Imhotep. He has knowledge of a unified system of Egyptian cosmology and a unified knowledge of the energy anatomy of human beings. He accesses a wide range of both spiritual and technical information. Often, Atune-Re tells me to do internet searches to find some historical records on certain topics. For instance, when I asked him about a system of acupuncture point selection based on the cycles of the year, month, day and hour—The Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa method (Time Based acupuncture)—he told me to do an internet search for “kom ombo temple lunar calendar.” When I found one of the images of an ancient Egyptian calendar, he said that the dots on the image represent acupuncture points based on time, which I believe is not known to archeologists. It seems like Atun-Re knows all the information we can find on the internet and more. He might have infinite knowledge and access to everything in the universe. 

After a few initial preparatory readings about the origin of acupuncture, the real mechanism of acupuncture, and quantum phenomena of chi (qi), I asked Atun-Re about the Lung meridian, the first of twelve meridians. Atun-Re said the ancient Egyptians were knowledgeable about many things that I was exploring. He said the emotions associated with the lungs are not only sadness or grief, which every practitioner knows, but all the other emotions can be healed by treating the Lung meridian. Then he started revealing the secret knowledge of one of the most important parts of the Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture System, the Triple Warmer. The next morning, I immediately applied what I had just learned from Atun-Re to my first patient. The patient went into a state of deep relaxation and felt so much calmer, more peaceful, and happier. Since then, the EEA method has continuously brought amazing results in my daily practice. 

Many patients who have consistently been treated with EEA have seen dramatic transformation in their lives. Practicing EEA for the past year and a half, I have seen most of my patients go into a semi-trance state, release repressed emotions, and quickly achieve remission of their serious health problems. Many people have adopted a more positive attitude in their lives and are experiencing harmonious relationships, and deepening their spiritual understanding. People experience heightened states of awareness, psychological healing, trauma healing, increased intuition, see entities or spirit guides, connect with their loved ones who have passed, see their future, and in essence, their happiness and health is increased. EEA can quicken our journey towards higher consciousness.

I believe that this is the most powerful integrated acupuncture healing technique that I have ever experienced in the last 23 years. Perhaps it is possible that  EEA is the most efficient acupuncture technique since systematic acupuncture originated from China 2300 years ago. EEA is easy to learn, and this model is replicable, and best of all, EEA does not require complicated and obscure ‘symptom differentiation’ beyond the basic level. Without getting lost in the philosophical symptom-based approach, which can sometimes lead the practitioners the hard and long way, EEA can help the patient easily and efficiently, due to its causal-based tissue regeneration effect on the quantum consciousness and the bio-molecular level.

With the EEA method, practitioners will gain more confidence in their healing work. Merely by applying the basic protocol that is introduced in Chapter 3 of this book, practitioners can increase their clinical efficacy noticeably. When the basic protocol is expanded and integrated with the advanced “Sacred Geometric patterns'' and further with the “Geometry of Realization” on the major Bindus and chakra centers according to their personal archetype, practitioners can produce powerful healing on the physical, spiritual and conscious level. EEA is a powerful tool for a happy, healthy and enlightened life. It is a new acupuncture technique that can transform one’s life from Karmic-based to Dharmic-based. 

 It is my heartfelt desire that a practitioner learns and uses this method with a healing attitude of deep compassion. I am hopeful that my commitment to this work will impart a paradigm shift in acupuncture healing that will bring powerful and satisfying results beyond what has been practiced the past 2300 years.
